Creating artificial stone using molds is a common practice in the construction and decorative industries. It allows for the production of custom-shaped stones with various textures and colors. He……

Using artificial cultural stone decoration environmental protection and practical

News 2024年6月21日 37

Using artificial cultural stone decoration environmental protection and practical

Creating artificial stone using molds is a common practice in the construction and decorative industries. It allows for the production of custom-shaped stones with various textures and colors. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use an artificial stone mold:

Materials and Tools Needed:

Artificial stone mold
Mold release agent
Casting material (such as a concrete mix or resin)
Mixing container
Mixing stick or paddle
Vibrating table or handheld vibrator
Plastic sheet or tarp
Utility knife or scissors
Safety gloves and goggles

Artificial cultural stone mold


Select the Artificial Stone Mold:

Choose an artificial stone mold that matches the desired shape and texture of the stone you want to create.
Ensure the mold is clean and free from any contaminants.
Prepare the Mold:

Apply a mold release agent to the interior of the mold. This will help in the easy removal of the cured artificial stone.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying the specific mold release agent you are using.

Mix the Casting Material:

Artificial cultural stone production line

Prepare the casting material according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
For concrete-based casting materials, mix the concrete with water in a mixing container. Use a mixing stick or paddle to thoroughly combine the ingredients until you achieve a uniform consistency.
For resin-based casting materials, follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the mixing ratio and any required additives.
Pour the Casting Material:

Pour the mixed casting material into the mold, filling it to the desired level.
Use a vibrating table or handheld vibrator to remove any air bubbles and ensure proper compaction of the casting material.
Tap or gently shake the mold to help settle the material and ensure even distribution.
Level and Smooth the Surface:

Use a trowel or flat edge to level and smooth the surface of the poured casting material. This will help achieve a consistent thickness and a neat finish.


Automatic artificial cultural stone production line

Allow the casting material to cure and harden in the mold according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves waiting for a specific amount of time before demolding.

Once the casting material has sufficiently cured, carefully remove the mold from the artificial stone.
Gently flex or bend the mold to release any suction and facilitate the removal of the stone.
If necessary, use a utility knife or scissors to cut the mold to release the stone without damaging it.
Repeat the Process:

Clean the mold and apply a fresh coat of mold release agent.
Repeat the pouring, leveling, and curing steps to create additional artificial stones as needed.
Curing and Finishing:

Place the demolded artificial stones on a plastic sheet or tarp in a well-ventilated area.
Allow the stones to cure fully and reach their maximum strength before handling or installing them.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended curing time


Customers come to the factory to inspect the full set of production lines

Prepare the installation area by ensuring it is clean and properly prepared.
Install the artificial stones according to the desired pattern or design, following standard installation methods for the chosen material (concrete, resin, etc.).
Remember to always follow safety guidelines, wear appropriate protective gear, and carefully read and adhere to the instructions provided by the mold and casting material manufacturers.