It’s connected to mixer to work. The vacuum weighing system is composed of feeding station or material storage bin, vacuum feeding machine weighing device, PLC controller and other com……

Powder weighing &supplying system during making veneer stone

News 2023年10月17日 119

Powder weighing &supplying system during making veneer stone

It’s connected to mixer to work. The vacuum weighing system is composed of feeding station or material storage bin, vacuum feeding machine weighing device, PLC controller and other components. This system usually provide auxiliary and color and water to veneer cladding stone making.

Materials A, B, C, and D are stored in four silos respectively. The powder vacuum weighing system starts to work, the vacuum pump starts, and when the screw discharge valve A at the bottom of the material A powder silo reaches a certain weight, the screw stops and the discharge valve A is closed, and the remaining material in the conveying pipe continues to be sucked into the weighing hopper, and the weight of material A in the scale after suction is exactly the set weight. Which material is required controls which silo system works.

The weighing system is a very important part of the culture stone production line.