Chalia came to China in June to formulate our company’s Wet Cast Machinery, and worked out the best plan required by the customer according to their need……

Hungarian customer visits to customize Wet Cast Machinery

News 2023年7月4日 123

Hungarian customer visits to customize Wet Cast Machinery

Chalia came to China in June to formulate our company’s Wet Cast Machinery, and worked out the best plan required by the customer according to their needs. She also had better communication with us on the details of Wet Cast Machinery, and finally signed the contract and reached a better cooperation.

Our Wet Cast Machinery have been widely installed in North America many countries. When a person is considering the purchase of a machine system from us I always try to explain to them the benefits and unique differences of working with us over anyone in the world market. I hope these reasons will help you to better understand my company and provide valuable information to help in your journey of choosing our equipment for your needs.

We have an advanced Auto Spray Machine
It has 3 function:

1. Dust remove from the mold surface.

2. Color Painting to beautify the artificial stone ,improve the efficiency & labor numbers.

3. Spray the mold oil to achieve better mold release .

Working process:When the molds arrive the position,first two spray gun start working to paint the air to move the dust away ,the middle gun start paint the spot color when mold arrive its area,the the last two spray gun do the full color painting ,all will be controlled by the sensor and cabinet computer. and all data can be adjusted before production start.